Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Age Group Nationals

All the hard work and preparation over the last 8 months comes down to one race.  With less than a week to go and the last hard workout over, I am already a bundle of nervous energy.  A big thank you goes out to Dr. Jerry of Hofferth Chiropractic.  He met me outside of work last night to work on me to get me ready for the race.
Greg, Lisa and I sweating it out on the pool deck Sunday morning to get ready for the Alabama heat.
Age Group Nationals is an interesting race, in the way it is set up.  It is the only large triathlon in the US that does not allow the best amateurs to go head to head.  Wave starts are arranged by age group and alternate men and women every three minutes.  The majority of the people in the race are after a top 18 finish in their age group so they can represent the US at the age group world championships next year.  For them the race is set up perfectly.  But for the people looking for the overall victory, it becomes a race against the clock. 

A good thing to remember is to never make last minute changes in gear or bike adjustments.  Whatever you are going to use at the race needs to be determined at least one week out.  You do not want your emotions for the race to determine what gear you use.  Stay with your old trusty flats and never wear a new pair of goggles without wearing them in a workout first.  Having your gear selected ahead of time will take some of the stress out of packing as well.

Good Luck to all those competing and go TEAM IE!

If you are interested in following the race, there are two links below that should offer coverage.


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