Saturday, January 8, 2011

Blizzards & Burritos

Breaking records before the season even begins--32.4in of snow in 24 hours in South Bend!

So in the 10 days I have lived in South Bend it has been the hottest it has ever been this time of year and it has snowed the most it ever has at this time of year. The run this morning was epic! I am in awe of the energy the members of Team IE have even when conditions are far from ideal. This morning we all woke up to 3ft of snow and terrible roads. Two of our guys, Craig and G-How, got stuck in the snow in their cars on the way over and they STILL ran! Man I love this team.
Post run

Today was quite an adventure. The drive to the pool was crazy! Unlike the south, everything does not close when it snows so thankfully the pool was open. Our pool is very unique. Most elite triathletes have the luxury of training in large 50m pools. Team IE trains in a 4 lane 25 yd pool and we love it. It is much more challenging to swim in a shallow small pool as opposed to a large 8 lane pool. We are okay with it though because we know the hard work will pay off on race day!

Before I moved here Greg always raved about the burritos after Saturday morning workouts. Today I finally got to experience the magic! We picked them up before the trainer session because we knew the snow was not stopping. I highly recommend "Tacos and Burritos" if you are a local.
Bob the burrito builder
A car covered in snow in the parking lot of Tacos and Burritos 

The last workout of the day was awesome. Thanks to Computrainer we rode a challenging course to prepare for Honduras. I love riding with the team; we have so much fun jammin out to the ipod and pushing each other at the same time.
Team IE always having a great time!

Blizzards and day in South Bend. Being snowed in is fun after all : )


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